Victorian government announces an emergency relief fund for international students

Update: 30 April 2020

The Victorian government will establish a $45 million fund to support international students facing financial hardship in Victoria due to the coronavirus crisis.  The fund will provide a one-off payment, up to $1,100 for students who have lost wages and work due to the pandemic and are facing financial hardship.

The fund will be delivered in partnership with Victoria’s tertiary education providers and will build on existing Victorian government support provided to international students through Study Melbourne Student Centre.

International students from Victoria’s tertiary education providers including universities, TAFEs, private Vocational Education and Training providers and English language colleges are eligible to apply for the hardship payment.

Student seeking further information about this emergency relief can find further information on the Study Melbourne website.

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If you are impacted by the ongoing travel restrictions or change in circumstances and need immigration advice or assistance, call us on 1300 98 70 71 or email us on and speak to a Registered Migration Agent.


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