Expressions of Interest to be an Australian Supporter

Australian Supporters


AMES Australia strongly urges supporters to be informed when engaging migration agents. We do not accept any third party Expressions of Interest (EOI) from Migration Agents: supporters must submit EOIs on their own behalf. Supporters can seek assistance from a Migration Agent if they wish, however AMES will deal directly with Australian Supporters, and as an APO are responsible for lodgement and carriage of visa applications under the CSP. For more information on Registered Migration Agents and their code of conduct, please visit:


Unauthorised Maritime Arrival – a person who, on or after 13 August 2012: a. became an offshore entry person; or b. was taken to a place outside Australia under paragraph 245F(9)(b) of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) (as amended). (As per regulation 2.07AM(5) of the Migration Regulations 1994 (Cth).

Visa Applicant – the person whom the potential supporter wishes to be proposed for humanitarian entry through the Community Support Program (CSP).

Supporter – Australian Supporters are community members (including individuals and families), businesses and community organisations which work with APOs and enter into arrangements to propose, and support CSP entrants.  

Terms and Conditions

To  agree to these terms, click “AGREE” at the start of the Expression of Interest (EOI) form. Potential supporters must agree to the terms and conditions before submitting an EOI.

Please ensure the potential Visa Applicant(s) understands and accepts these terms and conditions at the start of the EOI form.

These conditions apply to any of the processes or services undertaken or provided by AMES Australia as an Approved Proposing Organisation (APO). Potential supporters agree that by submitting this EOI and by continuing to engage with AMES Australia as an APO, they have deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions as varied from time to time.   

  1. EOIs to AMES Australia will only be accepted through the following online process.
  2. EOIs will only be accepted by AMES Australia during the period specified on our website. No late EOIs will be accepted. AMES Australia reserves the right to change this period at any time without notice.
  3. All mandatory questions on the EOI form must be answered in order for the EOI form to be submitted.
  4. Answer all questions truthfully. Any misleading information provided on this EOI form or at any stage throughout the CSP process may result in your disqualification from the CSP, and if so, any fees paid are not refundable.
  5. The EOI form is only to be completed one time per individual/family.
  6. EOIs will only be accepted where the Supporter has completed the entire form online and successfully made the online EOI payment of $275 (at end of EOI form). The EOI fee is not refundable, regardless of the outcome of your EOI.
  7. AMES Australia does not accept EOIs from Australian Supporters who are employees of AMES Australia.
  8. No third party EOIs will be accepted, i.e. applications completed by Migration Agents as Supporters, etc.
  9. AMES Australia reserves the right to refuse to accept any EOIs at our discretion.
  10. AMES Australia will endeavour to contact applicants to the EOI process within 12 weeks of the closing date for submission of EOIs to notify of the outcome of the EOI.
  11. Any personal information or material sent to AMES Australia contained in your Expression of Interest is subject to our Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy forms part of these Terms and Conditions.
  12. AMES Australia does not guarantee, warrant or represent that the submission of an EOI or the collection of additional information is indicative of your inclusion in the CSP.
  13. Pending the outcome of your EOI, financial and character assessments will be undertaken to further assess your suitability as a Supporter for the CSP.
  14. Further assessment of the Visa Applicants circumstances may be necessary to confirm they are eligible for the CSP; and that they are suitable candidates according to AMES’ requirements.