Health and Wellbeing

COVID-19 Updates

Summary of restrictions in Victoria

There are things we can all do to make ourselves and others safer. As you live and work, remember these COVIDSafe principles:

  • Face masks are no longer required in most indoor settings but they are still recommended. Carry a mask when leaving home.

  • We strongly recommend that you wear a face mask if you have any COVID-19 symptoms, are with people who may be vulnerable to COVID-19, and are outdoors and cannot physically distance.

  • Everyone aged 8 years and above is still required to wear a face mask in certain settings unless an exception applies. Read the Face Masks page for information about where masks are required.

  • Get your next COVID-19 vaccine dose as soon as you are eligible. Get vaccinated to protect yourself, your loved ones and your community. If you haven’t had at least two doses of the vaccine, you’re at a much higher risk of becoming seriously ill or going to hospital. It’s strongly recommended you have three doses of the vaccine for the best protection. Book an appointment today.

  • Testing and isolation protocols have changed.

    • If you have COVID-19, or you are a contact of someone who does, read Your COVID Checklist for what to do. You must follow the checklist.

    • If you have symptoms or are a household (or household-like) contact of someone with COVID-19, you must get tested.

    • Most people should use a rapid antigen test as their first option to get tested. If you test positive on a rapid antigen test, you must report your result and isolate because you are a case.

  • You can reduce risks by maintaining 1.5 metre distance from others where possible, using hand sanitiser and practising good hygiene.

  • Ventilation and air filtration helps. Consider opening windows to let the fresh air blow through or catching up with friends outside.

  • Remember to check in where required using the Service Victoria app.

You can find information, updates and advice about the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the Victorian government website

Dari version is available on the following link:

Pashto version is available on the following link:


Summary of restrictions in Adelaide

  • Masks for high risk settings

  • Masks for personal care services (except for the person receiving the service, if necessary for the provision of the personal care service)

  • Masks for health care services (except for the person receiving the service, if necessary for the provision of the health care service)

  • Masks for passenger transport services

  • Masks for indoor fitness facilities (except while exercising)

  • Masks for shared indoor public places (except bridal parties during ceremonies, private functions and private activities

You can find more information, update and advice about coronavirus (COVID-19) on the South Australian Government website:

 Check in with QR codes using the mySA Gov app

SA COVID-19 check inCheck in with QR codes using the mySA Gov app

Checking in at venues and facilities helps with contact tracing and keeps South Australia safe and open.

For instructions on how to check in, click here

Check in with QR codes using the Service Victoria app

Service VictoriaChecking in at venues and facilities helps with contact tracing and keeps Victoria safe and open.

For instructions on how to check in in Dari, click here

For instructions on how to check in in Pashto, click here.


How to get proof of your COVID-19 vaccinations

For information in Dari, click here.

For information in Pashto, click here.

Advice for parents

How to have a safe and reassuring conversation with your child plus links to helpful resources.

Information in Dari is available here.

 Get tested for COVID-19


 Staying safe