#AMESCareerTips 2021, Episode 2

1 March 2021
Employment Skilled Migration Service


Video Transcript:

Welcome back to the 2021 AMES Australia Career Tips series, my name is Arthur Chan, and I would like to talk to you about creating or updating your LinkedIn profile. 

Create or update your LinkedIn profile

For most job seekers, if you have a strong LinkedIn profile, it will help to consolidate the image you are presenting to employers. Many employers will quickly do a Google search for any applicants they are considering for interview; if this Google search turns up a good LinkedIn profile that is consistent with your resume, you have a good chance of receiving an invite for that interview. 

The simplest LinkedIn profile will be a basic re-creation of your resume, along with a clear, professional profile picture.  It is also critical to select a headline that succinctly defines you professionally, like the following:

Structural Design Engineer
Qualified Gas Plumber
Experienced, organised Personal Assistant
and healthy Picker-Packer
It is important to align your Headline with the jobs you are applying for. If you are applying for different kinds of jobs, consider broadening your Headline whilst still aligning yourself to the roles you’re applying for: Exceptional communicator enhancing customer experience in corporate reception, hospitality and call centre environments.

Your About section is very important too.  If a Recruiter has been attracted by your Headline and clicks further, they will see the first four lines of your About section.  Make them count so that the Recruiter goes further!
Your Skills section is also critical.  This plays a large part in keyword searches, so if your skills are aligned with what Recruiters are searching for, you’ll show up in their searches.  You can tell if you’re using the right keywords in your Skills section by paying attention to the job vacancies LinkedIn is alerting you to; if they’re well aligned with your goal jobs, then your listed skills are probably accurate.  If these jobs are not well aligned, it probably indicates that you need to review your listed skills and try to use more keywords from the job vacancies you’d like to pursue.
Create or update your LinkedIn profile today, and ask a trusted friend or professional mentor to review it for you.

Create or update your Seek profile

Hi everyone, my name is Angelica and I work as a Research & Policy Officer at AMES Australia. In this video I will tell you a little bit about how to create a profile at Seek, the job seeking platform.
Much like LinkedIn, Seek (seek.com.au) has the capacity for users to create a profile, though many candidates do not take advantage of this function. Recruiters and employers often appreciate applicants creating a profile as it makes it easier to import that profile into their database, which streamlines the hiring process. Additionally, many job advertisements allow a function to submit your application using your profile and saved resume, which makes it quicker and easier. There are privacy settings allowing you to decide whether your profile is public (“Standard” - employers and Recruiters can view it) or private (“Hidden” - only gets sent when you apply for a job), so if privacy is a concern to you, select a “Hidden” profile.

One key area to focus on is your current or most recent role. In the profile match list it shows your job title, employer and tenure for your current or most recent role on the top line of your listing, followed by up to two prior roles. Your current or most recent job title is bolded. Make sure to use a job title that both accurately reflects the role you performed and also relates closely to the roles you’re applying for.
Create or update your Seek profile today, and ask a trusted friend or professional mentor to review it for you.

Google yourself!

Hello, my name is Carol Lu. I am the Client Acquisition Officer at AMES Australia. For today’s video we are going to talk about reviewing your online presence.

Have you considered your (online) presence when seeking for a job? What does your online presence look like? If you haven’t checked this recently, you might be in for a shock! Check your social media accounts – what is visible for those who are not already connected to you? Perhaps get a friend to unfriend you momentarily, just to see what is visible for others. You may be surprised to find Facebook comments you’ve made on public posts may be publicly visible, even if your account is private – there is a specific setting for this (Limit Past Posts). If you find anything you don’t want employers (or anyone else you don’t know) to see, it may be time to review all your privacy settings. This can be fairly complex, but a quick Google search shows that there are numerous guides to help you with it. 

Once you’ve reviewed your online presence, the question to ask yourself is “What picture is this painting for people who don’t know me?” If there are search engine results that bring up content you don’t want, see if it is possible to delete or request to moderators that it be removed. Your resume, cover letter, LinkedIn, Seek and general online presence should be consistent in how they portray you.

I hope this video will be useful for you. If you have any questions, feel free to contact AMES Australia. Thank you.

This update is produced and reviewed by AMES Australia Employment Team.
Producer: Drue Vickery 
Content Production: Arthur Chan

If you have any questions or wish to get in touch with AMES Australia to see how we can help you in your career journey, call 13 2637 during business hours.



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