In language information on Rapid Antigen Tests

21 January 2022
Health, Wellbeing & Domestic Safety


The Victorian Government has created some instructional videos for performing Rapid Antigen Tests (RAT). The videos are in English, but subtitles are available in more than 30 languages. 

Please share the links with family, friends and communities.

Instructional video


A rapid antigen test is a screening tool that can quickly check if you may have COVID-19. Most rapid antigen tests will provide you with a result in 15 to 30 minutes.

Please note a Roche test is used in the video for demonstration purposes, but you may purchase or be issued with a different brand.

Click on the languages below to see the video with subtitles in each language.  

For more information visit

Additionally, instructions on how to do oral fluid tests are available in English here and here


Useful General Info