Understanding family violence (6 languages)

10 June 2021
Health, Wellbeing & Domestic Safety

COVID-19 has impacted many aspects of our lives and routines in the past year, but times of stress and hardship are never an excuse for family violence or abuse. In this article, we have summarised information to help you think about safety and support available.

Understanding family violence 
Family violence is when your partner, ex, carer, family member or someone you’re in a family-like relationship with uses threatening, controlling and violent behaviour that makes you scared for your own - or someone else’s - safety and wellbeing.

Family violence doesn’t always involve physical abuse. People use a wide range of abusive behaviours to maintain power and control in relationships. 

No matter what form it takes, family violence is never acceptable.
It is never okay for someone to:

  • Control where you go or who you speak to.
  • Physically attack or hurt you.
  • Threaten you or your loved ones, including a pet.
  • Limit your access to necessities, including face masks or healthcare.
  • Stalk or monitor you, including online.
  • Force you to do sexual things you don’t want to do.
  • Regularly put you down, humiliate you or attack your self-esteem.
  • Control your finances and financial decisions.
  • Threaten to take away custody of your children or your visa status.
  • Stop you from practising religious, spiritual or cultural beliefs and rituals.
  • Make you feel scared to say ‘no’.

Information in different languages:

Arabic - العربية  https://www.areyousafeathome.org.au/clkn/https/www.dvrcv.org.au/sites/default/files/Are%20You%20Safe%20At%20Home%20A4%20Flyer%20-%20Arabic.pdf

Chinese (Simplified) - 简体中文 https://www.areyousafeathome.org.au/clkn/https/www.dvrcv.org.au/sites/default/files/Are%20You%20Safe%20At%20Home%20A4%20Flyer%20-%20Chinese.pdf

Vietnamese - tiếng Việt https://www.areyousafeathome.org.au/clkn/https/www.dvrcv.org.au/sites/default/files/Are%20You%20Safe%20At%20Home%20A4%20Flyer%20-%20Updated.pdf

Dari - دری https://www.areyousafeathome.org.au/clkn/https/www.dvrcv.org.au/sites/default/files/Are%20You%20Safe%20At%20Home%20A4%20Flyer%20-%20Dari.pdf

Farsi - فارسی https://www.areyousafeathome.org.au/clkn/https/www.dvrcv.org.au/sites/default/files/Are%20You%20Safe%20At%20Home%20A4%20Flyer%20-%20Farsi.pdf

Cantonese - 繁體中文 https://www.areyousafeathome.org.au/clkn/https/www.dvrcv.org.au/sites/default/files/Are%20You%20Safe%20At%20Home%20A4%20Flyer%20-%20Traditional%20Chinese.pdf


Source: Domestic Violence Victoria, Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria & Northern Integrated Family Violence Services

    Useful links:


    Useful General Info PVaW and safety